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Writer's pictureLigon Brothers

What's Holding You Back from Being Successful?

Did You Know that 4 out of 5 Americans Live Pay Check to Pay Check?

The Number #1 Reason People Are Stuck Working 9 to 5 Jobs is:


Successful Mindset - Ligon Brothers
Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life

We're ALL Taught the Same Garbage, from the Moment We Enter Society!

Let's Take a Moment and Break it Down; How Many Of You Have Heard These Before:

You Can Figure it Out Yourself:

BAD ADVICE: This is just bad advice. Yes Maybe You Can Figure it out on your own, But Why? What Are You Waiting on? The Only Thing We Can Never Get Back is Time. So Whenever You Can Get More Time You Should Do it! People Pay To Go To School to be Lawyers, Engineers, Accountants, Etc... All So they Can Get Out of School and Go to Work For Someone. But The Thought Of Paying Someone to Show them How They Can Make Real Money and Work For Themselves, They Won't Do. Think About That For a Minute. You Can NEVER Go Wrong Buying Knowledge. Knowledge will Fast Track Your Success Curve, All Successful People Have Mentors and Routinely Pay for Knowledge. Period.

It You Could be Rich in 1 Year instead of 20, Wouldn't that be Better?

Everything is a Scam:

WRONG: This is One of The Biggest BullSh*t Things We All Believe! Yes There Are Some Scammers Out There, So Maybe Don't Buy Business Advice from The Guy with No Pants and the Aluminum Foil Hat. But The Truth is Most Things That People Sell, Actually Work.

It's the Consumer that's the Issue. If You Buy a Diet Plan, the Chances that It will Work If You Actually Follow it are pretty Good. The Issue is We Don't Do the Work! When it Comes to Your Financial Future, It's Imperative that You Buy Knowledge Whenever and Wherever Possible. As I Mentioned Before, We're Never Taught How to Gain Wealth. SO YOU HAVE TO PURCHASE THAT KNOWLEDGE!

Shouldn't Everyone Have a Good Mentor?

Money Won't Make You Happy:

WRONG: You Need Money to Enjoy What Life Has to Offer. Think About it this Way, Can you Take a Vacation Today? Can You Leave Right Now and Go see the Ocean or Go See the Mountains. Even If You Just Want to Enjoy Looking at Our Beautiful Country, You Need Money.

No, Money Will Not Solve All of Your Issues, But It Will Allow You To Live Life However You Want.

Doesn't that Sound Good?

Don't Talk To Strangers

WRONG: You Need People to Be Successful! You Need Clients, You Need Associates, You Need Employees, etc. This May Be a Safe Thing to Teach Your Children, But Once You Get Older You Need to Interact with As Many People As Possible! We Need Each Other, Each Of Us Bring a Unique Quality to Each Others Lives! Get Out & Network!

It's Nice to Associate with Like Minded People, Right

Don't Do It You'll Fail:

WORST ADVICE: I'm Going To Make This One Real Simple.

YOU CANNOT FAIL, IF YOU DO NOT QUIT. You May Hit Speed Bumps and Have Issues, But You're Just Learning What Not to Do Next Time. If You Keep Going and Never Give Up, You Cannot Fail. Never Let Anyone Tell You That You Cannot do Something!

Do You Believe in Yourself?

Money is the Root of All Evil:

WRONG: Money Allows You to be More of Who You Are. If You Are a Giving Person, You're Able to Be More Giving. If You Are a Helper, You can Help Even More. And Yes, I suppose if you are an A*Hole, you could be more of an A*Hole.

Don't You Agree?

Be Happy with What You Have:

WRONG: Now Read This One Carefully: Yes, You Should Be Happy With What You Have and With Who You Are, Even Right Now at this Very Moment. It Doesn't Matter If You're Over Weight, or If You're Broke, or If it Feels Like Life is Beating You up at the Moment. Life is To Short, So Be Happy, Live in Happiness! BUT, That Doesn't Mean That You Can't and Shouldn't Strive to Be Better! You Should Always Work On Being the Best Version Of Yourself! So Be Happy, But Work Hard To Be Better, Because You Deserve Greatness. No One is Going to Hand it to You, You Have to Go Get it!

Don't You Deserve to be the Best Version of Yourself?

And The King of All Excuses Is:

I Have No Money:

Yes, Technically This Statement May Be Somewhat Accurate on its Face, You May Not Have "Extra" Money. But When Will You? Did You Have it Last Week? Last Month? Probably Not.

That's a Real Issue We All Face. Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, But If You Want to Finally Have Some "Extra" Money You Need to Make More Money! And That's the Vicious Cycle.

Think About It Like This...

If Your Car Broke Down Today, Would You Have the Cash To Fix it? Maybe Not On Hand, But You'd Have To Find a Way.

What If You Got a Ticket & Had To Pay it in Order To Keep Your License From Being Suspended.

You May Not Have the Cash in the Bank, But You'd Find a Way to Pay it.

Well At Some Point You'll Need to Treat Your Future the Same Way.

If You Can Find a Way to Pay a Ticket, Car Issues, Netflix, Amazon & Happy Hour Then It's Time to Realize the Core Problem is Not Money.

Make the right Choice, Find the Money to Invest in Your Future So You Never Have to Worry About It Ever Again!


Isn't it Time to Invest in YOU & YOUR Future?

It's Time To Get Serious About Your Future.

You Can & Will Be the 1st Millionaire in Your Family.

Say it Out Loud and Believe it!


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