How to Sell My Memphis House Quickly for Cash
#1 Answer for How to Sell Your Memphis House Fast for Quick Cash. We Show You How to Choose a Trustworthy We Buy Houses Company or Local Cash Home Buyer.
How to Sell Your House Fast to a Cash Home Buyer
What's the Deal With We Buy Houses Companies
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How to Sell Your House Fast to a Cash Home Buyer.
The Ligon Brothers, Michael and David Ligon are Local Cash Home Buyers and Seasoned Real Estate Investors and Advisors. If you need to sell your Memphis area house quickly, we can help. This page will detail all the information that you need to know to sell your house to a local Real Estate Investor and Cash Home Buyer. If you don't need all the information and you just want a Fast, Free Cash Offer, simply Click the Get My Free Cash Offer button and let's get the ball rolling on Selling your house.
Some of the most common reason a person would want to sell their house for cash quickly rather then list it with a real estate agent are:
House is inherited or in probate
Homeowner needs to relocate
House needs to many repairs
No longer wants to be a landlord
Need to liquidate assets fast
Homeowner is getting divorced
House has storm or fire damage
Homeowner needs to downsize
Homeowner is facing foreclosure
What's the Deal With We Buy Houses Companies
So what's the nitty gritty on these "We Buy houses" Companies all over the internet? They seem to be everywhere. Are there really that many Companies out there that buys houses for cash? Well the short answer is probably not. You see, most of the websites that you see online are not really Cash Home Buyers. A very large majority of them are just "lead" generation websites.
Why would so many companies spend time and money creating websites for a business that they aren't even in you ask…..
Because there's big money in leads. These Companies collect your data and sell it to real Cash Buyers. Most of the time you won't even know that it happen. They're real slick about acting as an "Agent", "Assistant", "Consultant", etc.. and when they get your contact data they farm it out to the highest bidder. The sad part is a lot of Real Cash Home Buyers will pay for this information because they can't compete with the online marketing.
You see, the real local cash home buyers are busy actually purchasing homes and remodeling them for new homeowners. They don't have the time or the marketing knowledge to create complex search engine optimized high ranking websites for their businesses. It's actually very difficult to rank a website online on the first page of search results, so you either need to spend a lot of money or you need to have a marketing company create a website that meets all the every changing seo* requirements for the major search engines, like Google, Bing and Yahoo.
There are a few Larger companies that have been around for a very long time that are able to maintain favorable positioning, but it's rare when you have multi-billion dollar marketing firms popping out new sites everyday that squash the small business guys and gals.
Websites like The Ligon Group or The Ligon Brothers are one of the rare exceptions to the rule. That's only because Michael and David Ligon are industry leaders and recognized by other billion dollar companies like Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine for their contributions to the field of Real Estate Investing.
Most small business fight tooth and nail to be featured on the coveted first page of Google.
So How can you identify these fake Lead generation sites from the real Cash Home Buying Companies that actually buy your house?
Here are three simple ways to identify the real Cash Home Buyers from the Fake "We Buy Houses" lead sites.
Look for Faces and Actual People.
One easy easy way to spot a fake site is when you can't find any actual people anywhere on the site. I don't mean the stock photos of all the happy people acting goofy and smiling at the sun. I mean real people. Here's an example of a site with Real Cash Home Buyers.
Check the Website Footer
Another way to spot a mass produced website is to scroll to the footer of the page and check the website footer area for words like "powered by", 'investor vegetable" and "franchise". These are major indicators of heavily produced cookie cutter websites that may be lead generation sites.
Actual Cash Buyer Information
And last but not least, does the site contain any actual information about who will be buying your house? Selling your house to a cash home buyer is a pretty big deal, so it would be nice to know who is actually cutting the check. Search the website and see if you can find contact information for the actual Cash Buyers. I know it sounds crazy, but you'd be surprised how many people give up their information to a form without ever even looking for who the information is going to. Here's an example of a Cash Home Buying Website where you can clearly see who the Cash Home Buyers really are.
Local Home Buyers vs National Home Buyers
So if you read the previous section you know how to identify a real Cash Home Buyer from a We buy Houses lead generation website. Now we dive into how to identify a Nationwide Home Buyer from a Local Cash Home Buyer.
The Difference Between Nationwide and Local
What's the difference between a Nationwide Home Buyer and a Local Cash Buyer? Well the obvious answer is Nationwide Buyers buy houses all over the Untied States and Local Home Buyers buy houses locally. But let's dig into what that matters.
Nationwide Home Buyers
Nationwide Cash Home Buyers are normally very large Companies that have one centralized hub that collects data and information on leads that they receive. This means when you contact one of these firms, you're giving your information to an assistant or a desk jockey in an office somewhere that will enter it into a system and spit out a result. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you may not receive the best possible price on your house from a Firm like this. They have systems in place to generate simple answers and results. This means they don't have actual on the ground data. Things a local Cash Home Buyer would know, like how to neighborhood is, the local amenities, the traffic, the schools, the weather, etc. To a seasoned investor these things make a huge difference on the price they give you on your house. However, there are a few exceptions to the rule. Let's examine The Ligon Group. Michael and David Ligon are local cash home buyers, but they buy houses in Florida, Tennessee and Mississippi. So how can they be local? Well for one, Michael personally handles all investments in Florida, While David handles all the investments in Memphis and Mississippi. Michael has extensive knowledge of Florida from his years as a Geomatic Surveyor and Engineer for the entire State and over twenty years of investing experience in Florida. David on the other was born in Memphis, Tennessee and has over a decade of home buying experience in and around West Tennessee and North Mississippi. These brothers have been so engrossed in the real estate market of these areas that they can provide perfectly calculated Cash offers to any homeowner that's looking for a fast cash sale on their home.
Local Cash Home Buyers
Finding a Local Cash Home Buyer is usually your best bet when your in a crunch to sell your house fast. Local Buyers know the area, the market and the best buying and selling options for your situation. In addition to getting a better offer, you can also count on a faster process. Local Cash Buyers can make a decision on the spot, they don't need to go through all the red-tape procedures that larger Nationwide home buyer have to. When a local buyer give you a Cash Offer to Buy Your House, you can rest assured that they are ready to go. Just make sure that you're working with a fair and trustworthy Investment Firm. Do your research, use the information detailed on this page to search out, identify and choose a knowledgeable, trustworthy company and ask them for a "Free" offer. Just an FYI, there should NEVER be any fees or costs associated with getting an offer to sell your house. If someone try's to charge you a research fee, data fee or any other cost just for an offer, RUN. If you need help making a decision you can always contact the Ligon Brothers. Even if you don't get an offer from them, they are still happy to help you and ensure that you don't get taken advantage of.
What You Should Do to Sell Your House Quickly
Ok, so know we're down to what you need to do to sell your house fast.
What is the actual procedure that is needed to go from getting an offer to getting a check.
Here is the process:
Step One:
Search for "We Buy Houses" Companies or "Sell My House Fast" Companies and Contact a Trustworthy Cash Home Buying Firm using the information detailed on this page. You can also click the "Get a Free Cash" Offer Link Below.
Step Two:
Request a Free Cash Offer from a Local Cash Home Buyer. You Should receive a Free offer that you can review with your Attorney. Most reputable companies will supply you an offer on a State Issued Purchase and Sales Agreement
Step Three:
Once you accept the cash offer, the Home Buyer will being preparing all the necessary documentation for the Closing Agent. After the Title Work is completed you can close and collect your Cash. Normally in the form of a wire or check.
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